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tits cold

when its so cold, you could fit your nuts through the eye of a needle

its fuckin' tits cold out here

by rayrodrey February 26, 2003

28👍 23👎

kentucky boiler

noun. when sitting on a cold hard surface (e.g. metal folding chair) you fart the type of fart where a quarter could pop out of your asshole and it sounds like a little man is blowing kisses out your asshole.

That Kentucky boiler i dropped earlier made a tie-dyed ring in my boxers.

by rayrodrey February 26, 2003

25👍 10👎


variation of hip referencing the body's center of gravity and consequently a place from where power is derived.

i'm going to put my hiphorse into it and not worry about it.

by rayrodrey February 26, 2003

12👍 1👎


syn. knitting

shanny, you doing your yarnin'?

by rayrodrey February 26, 2003

6👍 8👎


a sex toy which you strap around your head, placing a rather large dong on your chin, so when you're down on the ole' vag, you can also achieve penetration

Ooops! I didn't mean to accomodate your red eye!

by rayrodrey February 26, 2003

20👍 9👎