Colâ¢fax Credâ¢iâ¢bilâ¢iâ¢ty
Col'faxus ËKredÉËbilitÄ/
-refers to 'Colfax Avenue'. At 26.5 miles, it serves as the main business hub thru metro Denver, CO.
1. The power of inspiring trust and belief due simply to the fact that if one is pouring syrup on it, then it must be pancakes.
- a. validated by the insertion of terms "swear on god/mothers grave", "100% pure", "just ask anyone" and "serious as a heart attack".
-b. can be easily un-validated in the event authorities deem strange things afoot at the Circle K or other locations, by oath: "I don't no nothin. I was home watchin TV".
-from a guy selling meat out of his pickup at a bus stop, exalting the full bravado of Colfax Credibility: "I've got the best steaks and chops in town. Just ask anyone!".