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crocodile dundee

When you grab an unsuspecting androgynous persons crotch, as to make sure they do not have a dick.

This girls hitting on me, but im drunk and not really sure if they are a man or woman, so imma crocodile dundee this bitch, and see whats happenin!

by rcpthenemesis December 31, 2010

15👍 13👎


When someone looks androgynous, meaning they have characteristics of both male and female. they may look neither clearly masculine nor clearly feminine in appearance. Itspat when said together is a subliminal way of saying someone looks like a man and a woman at the same time. A more straight to the point word than saying aloud "what is that thing" or "is that a man or a woman?"

When someone looks like a man and a woman, because they have a beard, but clearly also have tits, you'd say "itspat."

Remember that 1994 film "it's pat"? was that a he or a she?

by rcpthenemesis December 31, 2010

2👍 2👎


When your about to get head from a girl, or are awaiting the next move from a girl, yet she sits there and strokes your cock for several minutes, and compliments your dick, yet she hasn't complimented your dick with her mouth yet. She just sits there and watches and admires it.

My girlfriend is notorious for being a dickadmirer. I wait for her to put her mouth on me, but instead i get teased.

by rcpthenemesis December 31, 2010


When you have a hard on but become unaroused by something unattractive, nasty, old, smelly, uncalled for, or when a parent walks in on sex with a girl friend, or sessions of masturbation. The penis becomes flaccid so quickly, its as if someone poured acid on it, and dissolved or shrunk it. When you are so turned off you can't get it up, the case is flaccidick.

1.Man last night my girl and i were having sex, and she queefed so loudly, I immediately went flaccidick. I wasn't horny any longer after that, I ended up playing video games the rest of the night.

2. During class i was so horny that i went to the bathroom to masturbate, but someone came into the bathroom and took a smelly shit, and it was hard to concentrate, so i went flaccidick.

by rcpthenemesis December 31, 2010

2👍 2👎