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Mactards are people who fall prey to Apple's advertisements, failing to see they are the victims of ploys to get them to pay for a logo rather than superior products.

You might be a mactard if...

1.) You bought a Mac to be different, just like everyone else buying a Mac.

2.) You believe the half truths of Apple's advertisements.

3.) You believe some one else who believes the half truths of Apple's advertisements.

4.) You think the iPad is a "magical and revolutionary" device when in fact such devices have been around for years.

5.) You think the price of an iPad is unbelievable because it is low rather than ridiculously high.

6.) If you think clicking the right mouse is hard, but using esoteric key combinations to get the same behaviors out of a one button mouse is some how easier.

7.) You prefer form over function, bought a Mac and got neither.

8.) You switched to a Mac because you thought Windows was proprietary...

9.) You feel penalized because most apps won't run on your Mac after you bought a Mac with full knowledge that most apps won't run on a Mac.

10.) You insist on using Safari because it is "secure", in spite of the fact it has been shown to be the most insecure browser on a Mac. (Apple is learning from Microsoft on how to make in house browsers...)

and one to grow on:

11.) You have to think of a way to justify any of the aforementioned ways to know you are a mactard.

by recovering mactard March 8, 2011

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