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This is an important word and nobody has it right yet. What it means is: Trying too hard, unsubtle, and inauthentic.
Specifically that which is unsubtle or inauthentic in its way of trying to elicit a certain response from a viewer, listener, audience, etc. Celine Dion is cheesy because her lyrics, timbre, key changes, and swelling orchestral accompaniment telegraph 'i want you to be moved' instead of moving you. Gold chains on an exposed hairy chest are cheesy because they shout out: "I have money and I am manly" instead of impressing a woman in a more subtle way, or allowing a woman to form her own judgments. The excessive showing off suggests he's compensating for what he does not have--i.e., he's actually poor, insecure, or short with an inferiority complex. Cliches are often cheesy because they are an obvious and artless way of making a point. A movie might be cheesy if it contains 'on the nose' dialogue, like "I can't live without you" or "You had me at hello."

Cheesiness is subjective. What seems cheesy to me, may be a legitimate and attractive hairstyle to you. What seems cheesy to me, may cause you to weep and hug your girlfriend tight.

by redhen February 7, 2007

7683👍 1975👎


It's not just excellent. It's reliably excellent. You wouldn't use it to describe a fluke. You use it to imply that the person who did the excellent thing possesses the skill or character to be able to do it again and again. When the line is spoken "you're so money" in Swingers, it's an expression of confidence in 'Money's ability to deliver. It comes from "money in the bank." You can rely on him, so your bet is as good as money in the bank.

Think about it, guys.

Urban youth 1: What a fluke! I won the lottery today. I am so money.

Urban youth 2: No, you're not, because you've never won it before and you'll never win it again. If this was your second lotto win, you could then say 'I am so money.'

Urban youth 2: You have educated me. I can always count on you, dude. You're money.

by redhen April 27, 2007

518👍 294👎

money in the bank

The phrase has to do with reliability. You can wager money on what will happen, and if you have inside information and you're 100% certain your bet is right, then your pay-off is assured; you might as well call it "money in the bank."

You can also use the phrase to describe someone who is very consistent in their behavior, because if you bet on him or her, you know you'll win. It's usually used in a positive sense to describe someone who always delivers and brings joy or victory. A synonymous phrase would be "reliably good."

The slang use of the term "money," as in "you are so money right now" is presumably derived from "money in the bank." It means not just excellence, but excellence demonstrated on repeated occasions, establishing a pattern of reliability. It can be used to compliment someone for just one instance of excellence, but it still implies that this one instance reflects on the excellence of the person's larger character, that they would be expected to be excellent again.

Yankee fan 1: Do you think Mariano can close this thing out?

Yankee fan 2: Are you kidding? He hasn't allowed an earned run in 2 years. Money in the bank, baby.

Indians fan (weeping): I am holier than thou in my suffering.

Yankee fan 1: Sorry, I couldn't hear you, Indians fan. The wheel of my victory chariot must have been lodged in your windpipe.

by redhen April 27, 2007

92👍 35👎

porn window

a computer

Porn window: like a regular window except when you look into it, instead of seeing the outside, you see porn.

by redhen October 16, 2010

8👍 6👎


What fashionistas really are, because they make you feel that there is only one right way to dress. Which is to say that fascistonista is merely a synonym for fashionista which calls attention to the fascistic element of "fashion" and "style." You have to wear Sebago shoes--that was a fascistonistic principle when I was in junior high in Ohio--and now look how sad and dumb it looks.

If it were up to me, I would wear cut-off jeans, but I fear the scorn of the fascistonistas. On the other hand, in 1995 a fascistonista encouraged me (with a riding crop) to update my ten-year-old radar-dish glasses and I immediately became less repellent to women.

by redhen July 24, 2008

13👍 8👎


Believe it or not--and I'm totally serious about this--the word "pimp" is used by medical students to describe something their so-called instructors/ mentors/ attending physicians routinely do to them: namely humiliate the student by publicly quizzing him or her on medical facts, usually trivial ones, with the goal of demonstrating the instructor's own magnificent knowledge. Etymology unknown.

That fucker chief resident pimped us for a half-hour on multiple endocrine neoplasia, the most irrelevant zebra on earth, with a big shit eating grin on his face, even though he's a clumsy surgeon who I once saw stitch through the adventitia of the renal artery. Dumb-ass.

by redhen October 31, 2006

120👍 119👎


In old-time baseball slang, to strike out swinging, i.e. to swing at the ball and miss for strike three. As a transitive verb, this describes the pitcher's action of throwing a pitch that makes the batter swing and miss for strike three. As an intransitive verb, it can describe the batter's action of swinging and missing for strike three.

Old-timer: Oh falderol, if Three Finger Brown fans the whole side, you owe me two bits.
Kid: Dad! Grandpa is in the front yard in his underwear again.

2. There is no joy in Mudville, Might Casey has fanned.

by redhen October 19, 2006

80👍 55👎