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Radqueers are a small, niche community. There are two definitions of what a radqueer is. The original definition, commonly referred to as "Old Radqueer", is the belief that paraphilias and transidentities/transIDs (where someone's identity doesn't match with their body, examples include transage and transspecies) are inherently queer, probably because of how they're considered non-normative. The other definition / "New Radqueer", which most radqueers adhere to, supports paraphilias and transIDs but doesn't necessarily think they're inherently queer. Both definitions are, unsurprisingly, radically inclusive. Radqueers are not a monolith and are often divided on certain issues.

Person #1: "I'm a radqueer."
Person #2: "I've never heard of that, I don't use the internet."

by remainingray January 18, 2025