When consuming a food/drink item that qualifies as neither due to complexity of the combination of ingredients.
They call it a "refresher" at that coffee shop, there was too much kiwi to simply drink so what did I just eank?
Lethargic beast of North American heritage prone to leftism and unexplained interest in Canadian drunkards.
Shillbilly Seeker can't get enough Biden and Dennis The Drunken Blind Zombie in his daily intake.
Next level lack of awareness. Lack of ability to solve problems, riddles, etc. Makes dangerously unaware presumptions and does not accept logic or well-considered knowledge.
Dennis demonstrates that he is beyond stupid every time he tries discussing all of the things he knows nothing about.
To follow the advice of a middle-aged soft and gooey excuse for a man who does nothing but waste time on the internet (particularly chat room dwelling) mired in low-level vocabulary attacks on others he finds "of interest" and usually is totally reliant on SSI/SSDI and parent(s). Entirely dependent, self-important and is usually considered to "have his dog off-leash."
Quit acting like such a Ronning asshole or you will be blocked from all of my internet affairs. Or I may keep you around just to remind myself how appreciative I am for having all of my executive functioning skills in tact.