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Founding Fathers

A group of people including George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. They wrote the Declaration of Independence, beat the British in the American Revolution, and wrote the Constitution of the United States in order to give freedom, liberty, and democracy to all.

The truth is, however, that they were some of the richest men in the United States at the time and represented only the interests of the wealthy property owners. They ignored the plight of the poor, the slaves, women and sought only to give freedom to themselves. The Constitution was merely a document to frame a government that has, and always will, protect the interests of the very wealthy at the expense of everyone else, i.e. 99 percent of the population.

Man, you mean all that shit is true about the Founding Fathers?

Yeah, why else would the government today give billions of dollars in military contracts to Lockheed-Martin and Boeing while ignoring social services and the needs of the poor.

But what about the Bill of Rights?

That was just a bone to make the masses happy and let them think they were actually getting something out of the Constitution. I mean, Congress passed the Sedition Act of 1798 prohibiting anyone from criticizing the government.

That's bullshit.

Yes, our history, country, and government is bullshit. It's nothing but a bunch of rich bastards led by George W. Bush and looking out for numero uno.


It gets worse. Go read "A People's History of the United States," get pissed off, and lets change this shit.

by republicanscanblowme March 3, 2006

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