Source Code

Sphere du Soleil

The show Chancellor Palpatine was watching in Star Wars: Episode III when he first told Anakin about the Sith. It's like Cirque du Soleil, but...er, spherical.

Man, that Sphere du Soleil was typical Lucas CGI, wasn't it? At least he didn't overdo it like in Episode I.

by resident alian June 17, 2005

3👍 1👎

standard deduction

The traditional Lenten sacrifice of abstinence from non-seafood meat (beef, pork, chicken, lamb, etc.), as opposed to any additional sacrifice like chocolate, beer, video games, or sex.

GF: Are you gonna give up playing Guitar Hero for Lent?
BF: Hells no, I gotta finish it in hard. I'll just take the standard deduction.
GF: Step aside, then. I just need to beat "Free Bird" in expert to finish the game. Nooch!

by resident alian February 19, 2008

5👍 1👎

standard deduction

The traditional Lenten sacrifice of abstinence from non-seafood meat (beef, pork, chicken, lamb, etc.), as opposed to any additional sacrifice like chocolate, beer, video games, or sex.

GF: Are you gonna give up playing Guitar Hero for Lent?
BF: Hells no, I gotta finish it in hard. I'll just take the standard deduction.
GF: Step aside, then. I just need to beat "Knights of Cydonia" in expert to finish the game. Nooch!

by resident alian February 19, 2008

Downing Street Memo

The minutes of a meeting among British officials indicating that the Bush administration was fixing the facts to the policy to promote their illegal war in Iraq. Despite the claims of some GOP, this document has not been shown to be debunked, false, or invalid.

The Downing Street Memo/Minutes document is a smoking gun pointing to the Bush administration, whose actions are worthy of impeachment and removal from office.

by resident alian June 20, 2005

1👍 1👎

intercourse evaluation

When a partner asks, "Was it good for you?" after intercourse. Like a course evaluation at the end of a class.

Guy 1: You didn't spend the night at her place?
Guy 2: No, I froze on the intercourse evaluation, so she kicked me out.

by resident alian April 23, 2009

8👍 5👎