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1) When you are equal parts hungry and sick.

2) Following a hard night of drinking, the craving for food whilst also fighting the urge to vomit.

3) Being physically sick while desiring mass quantities of food.

1) Lets get some crab rangoon, cause after last night I'm hella slungry.

2) Did you see Drew today?

He puked everywhere and then ate some Chef Boyardee.

He must be pretty slungry.

by rhettku October 11, 2010

35👍 17👎


1) Drinking nothing but Guinness all night, nearly resulting in your death due to the nitrogen shits the next day.

2) drinking all the irish beer in a single bar

3) Consuming five or more Irish Car Bombs, in a single sitting.

Rost: Dude, you just destroyed the bathroom!
Rhett: Yeah, I committed Guinnesscide last night. Sorry

Bailey: Barkeep, I'll have a Smithwicks.
Barkeep: Sorry, but a bunch of kids came in here and committed Guinnesscide. But we have Bluemoon.
Bailey: Fuck Bluemoon

Rhett: When did Drew get so drunk?
Rost: He committed Guinnesscide a while ago.
Rhett: But he's drinking dirty Shirley Temples?
Rost: Yeah, but he had like ten Irish Car Bombs earlier.

by rhettku February 28, 2011