Usually followed by an Escapee, which is a fart that escapes while pooping or peeing this usually happens when on the toilet or at the urinal station. It is a series of farts escaping making a machine-gun like noise, when a jailbreak happens, it is wise to just act as though it never happened, this will ease embarrasment on your part and on the part of others within earshot.
"Dude it was so funny, I was washing my hands at the sink in the bathroom at Madam X's porn shop and a guy had a jailbreak, I was laughing so hard I dropped my ten porno vid's I had just bought!"
-True Story
70๐ 151๐
A sad, sad excuse for "the future of gaming." In my opinion, the few weeks you spend saving up for the game, isn't worth the 2 hours you'll play it before it gets boring. The new Superstar Mode reaches a new level in stupidity, getting close to even the idea of invading Iraq for WMD. Superstar mode basically allows you to go to practice, take the occasional interview, and play games... nothing more.
24๐ 62๐
Poop has many catagories, and I shall explain said catagories to you. But firstly, poop is bodily waste that exits the rectum.
1. Petro Poop: A not-to-hard not-to-soft engorging poop, definatly the most enjoyable.
2. Hot Stick: A very hot feeling poop, these can sudenly pop up when in swimming pools, the poop greatly resembles The Reah, but not in its entirety.
3. The Reah: Some viruses feature this as a symtom, the poo is mushy, you have to go about 5 times a day, and you have to wipe about 17.3 times every time you go. No doubtidly the most dreadful type of poop.
4. Cheese Nickels: This genre of poop is when you sqweeze really hard and all that came out was a little yellow, skinny, creamy looking terd. Cheese Nickels usually replaces The Reah once you take a anti-reah pill.
5. Nickel of Death: Also known as constapation.
Drivin a merc is poop and hell for eternaty.
3653๐ 1347๐
A state very similar to Michigan and (unfortuantly) Illinios. Wisconsin is, for some reason, famous for it's cheese. I wouldn't have a fucking clue because the only cheese I eat is the stuff on my burgers. The southern part of the state is mostly suburbs and cities. The largest city of Milwaukee, is actually quite boring. They make Miller beer, Harley motorcycles, and light switches. Milwaukee has a shitty pro-basketball team, the Bucks, an up-and-coming baseball team, the Brewers, and decent college Basketball teams, UWM and Marqutte.
The central part of the state is mainly farm land. Evinrude and Mercury outboard motors are made in central WI.
The north is pure back-coutry. Vilas and Oneida countys are the biggest examples of such. In the winter snowmobiling possibilies are endless, much like the U.P. of Michigan.
All in all, Wisconsion kicks ass. especially the north.
I'd take WI over Florida anyday. But I'd probably take the U.P. over Wisconsin.
63๐ 93๐