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A place in the afterlife after you die. It is an infinitely empty white sky above the clouds that is peaceful and boring. Though sometimes angelic choirs can be heard in the background...

You go to jumbar after you die

by ricefield September 23, 2023

Rule 49824776541208479028641672843

Time and space is endless, you will never reach the truth. You will stand upon the requiem meant for your will and realize that meaning itself has no meaning. Life isn't life. You are not you. You don't exist. Nothing exists. But that's what makes living so fun. It is to create your own meaning. Live on

Rule 49824776541208479028641672843 is meaningless. Quite ironic

by ricefield September 23, 2023


A person who's only good at farming rice in a ricefield, nothing else

It's tough living as hatabe

by ricefield September 23, 2023


Used to describe someone who is peaceful and kind but often perceived as wicked and unjust due to their ancestors' mistakes that ruined their reputation even though having nothing to do with them

Person 1: The new king is going to ruin this kingdom!
Person 2: No, he is an emporal king

by ricefield September 30, 2023