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I. Dropping your balls on a face.

II. A patriot who defends the United States Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, peaceably with non partisan tax increase protests. FOX News has been partially successful at hijacking this movement which was started by members of 9/11 Truth and grew with END the FED and infowars. Massive town hall outrage over Obama health care from the elderly, a large democratic voting block, fueled these people. The movement peaked recently on Saturday September 12th, 2009 with over two million people marching on Washington DC in protest. U.S. media reported only thousands attending. U.K., German, French media reported the truth of millions.

I. This girl kept asking me if I could be her teabagger. So I laid em on her chin

II. The Four Fathers of this great Republic we call the United States of America.

by rillaguerilla September 14, 2009

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