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1.A person with hidious or unmanagable teeth, or someone who is just dirty. Also see yuckmouth

girl1:"did you see that trotmouth slut"
girl2:"um..hm...she nasty"

by riverside October 25, 2005


1.A hair style originated from an green claymation character. 2.A hair stlye that sort of resembles a flat top but leans to either the left or right,commonly mistakin for the slop which gadually gets longer from the back to the front.
Also seen in the movie juice with Tupac, (he had a serious gumby in that movie. Also seen worn by R&B/RAP artist from the early 90's

guy1: i think its time for hair cut son..
guy2: true
guy1: i'm a get the gumby yo!
guy2: man that shit is wack son!

by riverside October 25, 2005

93👍 62👎


a hell hole filled with trashy ass kids all complaining and posting how much they hate there life. occasionally nudes of Abby Veverka will go around but other than that it’s pretty boring. Everyone talkes about how thicc perry is but really she uses butt pads and looks like she has a stick in her ass. riversides known for having the most beef bc everyone’s petty asf🤣 4-5 fights a day along with people sucking eachother in the hall way. Welcome to riverside, home of the hoes

Omg i heard Abby’s nudes are passing around riverside

by riverside February 12, 2019