A secret or semi-secret plan or set of intentions created by a female human being. Said plan must directly involve her vagina in some way.
The hidden vagenda is most often encountered in the form of a female attempting to seduce someone she is romantically attracted to.
It can also refer to any type of secret plan a female or females are executing based solely on the fact that the plan is secret and involving only females.
Kayla: I need to figure out a way to get his attention.
Jessica: okay why don't you dress up all hot and I'll dress down and we could go eat at his restaurant.
Kayla: yes that's perfect! Thank u so much babes!
Jessica: yay it'll be fun! Our little hidden vagenda.
Kayla: lol weirdo
The existential and overall useless
self-study of a chomo's own inner chomo, always occuring on its own, internally, and never leading anywhere helpful or enlightening - except to perhaps alert nearby anti-chomo activists to the presence of a nearby chomo via the psychopathic-looking and unique "chomo-stare" that animates its face.
A completely pointless discipline for a completely abhorrent creature.
Joe: hey you see that weirdo right there, the one staring at nothing like he's fantasizing a murder or something?
Bob: yeah, what about him?
Joe: well that there is a Chomological stare - the kind a chomo gets when it's considering some chomo sh*t, or Chomology.
Bob: ohhh boy that's chomology, yeah I've heard of it.
Joe: well it's time to send it back to school: grab that steel pipe and come with me.
Chomo: hey leave me alone! I am a professor of Chomological Studies at PDF Universi-BONK!
(noun, concept)
Necrophilia, by itself, is known by all as the act of having secks with a dead person. This is a documented phenomenon and one good example would be Jeffrey Dahmer.
REVERSE NECROPHILIA is the same sort of event, but instead of being initiated by the living human, it is initiated by an animated dead person, or UNDEAD creature.
Reverse Necrophilia is the act of an UNDEAD creature getting it on with a LIVING human - with or without consent (as in the legends of the Succubus/Incubus).
Chris: you're not gonna believe what happened last night at the graveyard.
Alice: no way? Did you manage to contact any spirits?
Chris: lol oh it went way beyond that. I was calling on the spirit of a woman who died recently and next thing I know, she comes bursting out of the ground!
Alice: what?! did she say anything?
Chris: lol yes she crawled out, turned to me and smiled a wicked smile, and said "you! I'm coming tf GET you!" And she jumped and tackled me to the ground!
Alice: omfg! What'd you do?
Chris: let's just say I am now a member of the necrophilia club lol
Alice: what eww lmao
Chris: lol yeah it was reverse necrophilia though, like I didn't ask for this
Alice: lmao ewwww
*Window shatters and a female corpse lands on the ground next to Chris*
Corpse Girl: I'm coming tf GET YOU boy! C'mere!!
Chris: not again!
Alive: lmfao
(noun, plural)
Records in any recordable form, of compelling events having taken place.
Not just any events, however - said events must be:
-neutral to bad
-difficult to believe for those not present
-able to be described as "gnarly" or "gnar-gnar"
Social Media is the most commonly used medium for the recording of such gnar events, but it is not reliant upon this medium. Journals and diaries are another common form.
Brian: that was a crazy show last night!
Rob: I know right? Can't believe we got out of there in time.
Brian: oh yeah we sure did. That swarm of rats seemed more ready to party than we were hahah
Rob: omg so gnarly dude. This is definitely going down in the Chronicles of Gnarnia.
Brian: lol already on it
Rob: shred the gnar