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A slang term used by puddites to attack and ostracize those who are not afraid to keep things that still work and do not need to be upgraded. A luddite is someone who encourages the use of technology and technological equipment that is still perfectly good and perfectly working, although a new model/generation/color has come out.

For example, a luddite might prefer to save money by buying a used phone of a previous generation, or refusing to buy the latest generation because it is too overpriced.

Preteen: Haha, look at that luddite, he still have the iPhone 6! Haha what a dork, stupid luddite. I have the new iPhone 6s, my mom sacrificed her own food for a month to pay $1200 for it!

Fanboy: All my friends are luddites, I got the new call of duty 23 on my xbox four, they are all still playing call of duty 22 on their xbox three! All my friends are stupid luddites, why won't they upgrade their whole console just to play the new version whose maps and gameplay is identical? Why is everyone such a luddite?

Prick: Look at all the luddites still using the old grey colored phone when the new white one with the same specs came out! I'm no liddite, look at my white phone! You still have a grey version!

by robot10101010 July 18, 2015

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