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Sexpat (noun), an compound of sex and expat or expatriate.

A sexpat is one who participates in tourism with the express intention of having sex.

There may be a variety of reasons for this, such as:
less restrictive laws in foreign countries;
anonymity or privacy;
a preference for people of other ethnic groups;
financial reasons i.e. if one travels from a wealthy country to a poorer one.

However, by far and away the single greatest reason for the existence of the sexpat phenomenon is that sexpats find securing carnal relations with someone in their own country difficult to impossible to achieve.

Andy: I'm becoming fed up of Phuket.
Shane: Why?
Andy: It's because of all the nasty old ***man sexpats over here.
Shane: I agree. Shall we go to Patong and ogle some bar girls?
Andy: Ok.

by roo May 30, 2005

1680πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž


A penis

I'm going to shove my Ghouloul in your eye

by roo August 3, 2003


Quite possibly the worst band in existence. Many hardcore fans pretend to enjoy their music, citing them as "experimental," "abstract," and "amazing." Many believe that because they do not sound like any other band it automatically means their music is good.

You'll get a ton of Live Journal community credibility if you mention the band Daughters.

by roo January 5, 2005

28πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


Means Nice or Smooth

Awwww thats sliky!

by roo April 20, 2004

12πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A Punkle is an uncle who likes the Ramones.

My punkle wears all black and speaks in a shouting voice with a bad cockneyed accent.

by roo May 12, 2004

16πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Shag mile

While the distance travelled by light in a year (a "light year") is a significant measurement, there is one that has greater relevance to most of us: the "shag mile".

The shag mile (noun) is the distance one is prepared to travel in order to have sex.

Imagined SMS exchange*:

A: I am quite enamoured with you.

B: I feel rather passionately disposed towards you.

A: If only...

B: ...we weren't so many shag miles apart?

A: Yes, but it's a measure of my deep-seated lust for you that I will travel around 150 shag miles to see you.

B: I'll be waiting on the bed with my kit off.

*The real exchange would be considerably fruitier than this

by roo October 6, 2013


l33ter than GamigiN...him spamm fairy
l33ter than Veikko_N...him spamm fairy 2

him not teh spamm gawd

by roo September 25, 2003

11πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž