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Emo kid

COOL EMO KID: doesnt care what ppl think, likes a good band whether they are on mtv or not, and won't stop listening to some band just cuz everyone suddenly 'discovered' them. they do nothing to make ppl feel bad for them, and want no ones sympathy. they give everything a chance before deeming it cool or uncool. and if they want to kill themselves, they do it. they dont shop regularly at hot topic, but dont' completely disregard it. if there's something they want to buy, they go for it, and dont deny they bought it there. most of what they wear is from hand me downs, a garbage, a thrift shop, or was found. they dress how they want, and never deliberately try to piss ppl off or 'rebel'. if they do something rebellious, it is not just to be rebellious, it is because they want to/believe in doing it. they respect people who dont want to put drugs in their body, but some COOL EMO KIDS do drugs because they feel like it

ANNOYING EMO KID: those kids who regularly max out daddy's credit card at hot topic and tell everyone how depressed they are and that they cut their arms up every night wanting to die (ok...where are the scars?). they only listen to 'underground' bands adn immediately stop when someone they think is popular or preppy starts to listen to them, or they see them on mtv (which they claim never to watch, but they still do). they intentionally do stupid and rebellious things trying to make authority figures mad, thinking it's cool. these people are attention-craving, tasteless, abnoxious emo kids. anything popular is completely disregarded to them. they also tell ppl that they think drugs are sooooooooooo cool, but are scared to do them, but do them anyway because they think it'll make them cool

COOL EMO KID: that guy wearing some vintage tight tee and dirtied up black chuck taylors who is genuinely sincere and tells everyone what he thinks (tho never rudely unless he is already pissed at them)

ANNOYING EMO KID: the guy who draws on a bruise to make ppl think his dad hits him and who only talks to other ANNOYING EMO KIDS

by rose m. January 23, 2005

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