A Canadian. Doesnt write any of her songs. Cant play Guitar. Cant skateboard. Writes shitty pop music, and claims that its punk. She doesnt know what punk is. Made Dickies uncool. Has small boobs. Needs to be shot.
Also see - Kelly Osbourne, faux, poseur, idiot.
"OmG LyK aVrIl Iz SoooOoOoO kEwL. LyK lEtS mAkE oUr HaIr StRiGht AnD buY sUM tIeS omFg LolZZZZZZZZZ"
Your such an Avril.
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n. authentic, inspired, peerless, usu. in a creative endeavor. See also CKY.
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Actually not a guitarist! He's the basist - get your facts straight woman!
Jared looks so face-meltingly cool when he plays (bass)
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1. A small but ever so cute penis
2. An insult thrown out to all the men that add a 3 inch handicap to thier penis the second they enter a chatroom...YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
3. An inverted penis that resembles a belly button
$. a severly cleft Penis that is so cute ya could just pinch it...LOL
After entering the chatroom and suggesting that he had a 12 inch cawk, rosie informed him in the nicest way possible that his dimple dick couldn't satisfy a fruitflies ass! (do Fruitflies even have an ass?)
15π 10π
Russin word; Means woman.
Very good all girl punk band. Went from the Devotchkas, to the 99's, then back to the Devotchkas.
Current Line Up:
Jessica - Vox
Alaine - Bass
Mande - Guitar
Gabrielle - Drums
Former line up(s):
As the 99's:
JJ: vox
Mande: guitar
Alaine: bass
Gabrielle: drums
As the Devotchkas:
Steph: vox
Mande: guitar
Alaine: bass
Gabrielle: drums
The Devotchkas - 1998
Annihilation - 2000
Live Fast Die Young - 2001
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A young common man buys a new car (well to be honest an old banger) and him and as many friends as possible cram in to take the first drive
The pub was packed last night, we were like skangers in a new car
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What a jealous teenie bopper in yahoo chat calls another woman in order to make them feel like they are less than human...when in fact it can backfire and make them feel flattered that someone thinks that sex with them is worthy of payment and recognition!
Luva and Rosie were called stewpid fawkin whores after insinuating that the 15 yr old should spend her time poppin zits instead of hittin on wrinkly old balls, however it grew on them and they started callin each other it!
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