(noun) When someone gives you a blow job with a nutcracker.
I call her the sugarplum fairy, because she gave me a nutjob.
(noun) The extreme or irrational fear that Sigmund Freud will come back to life and view your google docs, presumably in preparation to psychoanalyze you.
I just wrote a story with some really weird breastfeeding symbolism...Man, Iâm getting refocifreudophobia just thinking about it.
(noun) When someone gives you a hand job with a hammer.
She gave me a wackjob, dude. So much for ever having biological children.
Not to be confused with a feminine version mansplaining. What middle aged (often homophobic) women do to their kids.
âMy mom told me that people are gay because theyâre confused or following a trend.â
âNo way- tell her to stop womansplaining.â