Source Code

Tent Party

A party where a tent is pitched for sexual activities to be performed in. Two names are drawn at random from a hat and those two must go into said tent for sexual favors. Gender is not an issue while pulling names.

Mary started the tent party by pulling two names from the hat. She pulled Kyle and Glenn to go into the tent. Unwillingly they were forced into the tent as they were told it's the rules.

by rpcob April 24, 2010

21👍 16👎

Glory Beer

The beer or beers that is first opened the morning after drinking. Most likely during a hang over to cure such hang over. Or to keep drunk from the night before.

Jeremy reached over from his bed, hung over from the night before, to grab a beer to cure his hang over.

Tanner woke up still drunk from the night before and cracked open a glory beer to start the day.

by rpcob April 24, 2010

9👍 2👎