Energycluster, conceptual term-of-art, used to ascribe named identity to a collection of one or more utility sub-assets to which can be ascribed numerical value(s) that represent realtime factors for intercommunication with electrical grid-scale production management software and user interface(UI) in the network utility abstraction layer. âClusterâserves the purposes to decouple any and all argument connected to the physical(footprint, area, zone, shed) focusing strictly on energy, energy state, energy status and its superposition on the energy grid. Physicality occurs on other abstraction layers.
Bring up Energycluster TSLA21 VPP9DeltaW. Map that Energycluster to ESIF. Printout the whole service stack on that Energycluster.
what happens when emotional considerations are completely separated from acts of human sexuality
Porn sex isn't about making love since emotions don't enter into the act.
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Virtual world based on algorithm, metaphor and processing
After the post modern era begins a post reality epoch where most everything has been processed from medicine, news, TV, search and even the food we eat right down to the trout stocked in waters from hatchery to lake.
subscrypto - access fee paid via automatic micro payment online in lieu of paywall or subscription
GNAP protocol uses a subscrypto scheme to provide frictionless micropayments which enable the seamless conscrypton for digital cash marketplace
Well-Cache ( i.e. water well, ocean depth) - hermetically sealed hi-value water storage scheme in which any breach by design self-destructs its contents that provides a Zero risk highly secure environment. ZERO risk based on the NIST Common Misuse Scoring System (NISTIR 7864)
Microsoft sinks data centre off Orkney in Well-Cache experiment to validate zero security environment for sensitive data
Misnomer for " Dempster Dumpster" (pat. 1935) refers to waste containers mechanically lifted by garbage haulers with forks on the front of the truck. Nominally feature closure lids that swing wide-open when lifted for dumping into back of trucks.
Colloquial term of art found in Midwest
Get a Dipster Dumpster to hold all the trash for garbage collection on Monday
Twitter @name, nom de plume, or literary double, a pseudonym adopted by an author for Twitter online
Twitar @hayeslady aka Erinn Hayes actor
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