Acronym - I'm laugh-ing(-ed) so hard I messed in my pants.
Origin unknown, but most likely created within and due to the internet.
This acronym can be used in the past and present participle, unlike most that can refer to only one occasion.
Subject One: That is funny. Hahaha.
Subject Two: I concur.
Subject One: Oh dear.
Subject Two: What is the matter?
Subject One: ILSHIMIMP.
Subject Two: Oh dear. I shall fetch you some fresh undergarments.
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A popular RPG based in IRC.
Unlike other RPG's where you interact with your character, IdleRPG is a new breed of roleplaying in itself.
Upon registering, the goal of the game is to sit and idle. The longer you idle, the more experience points you gain and levels you increase. Quitting, talking and the like is forbidden and induces penalties.
Your character wanders aimlessly around a map with other players in the channel, picks up items, prays to their mystical gods, goes on quests for sacred items and experience and even battles other players. But all you do is sit back and enjoy the show.
Despite it seeming this game would be boring because of its lack of interactivity, on the contrary it is quite possibly the most entertaining RPG to ever be created.
<player> alright level 57! only 32 days left until the next level :)
-idlebot- 1 day, 11:08:36 added to your clock for talking.
<player> son of a
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A parking spot that appears open, but upon further inspection reveals a relatively small car already parked there.
Those blasted minivans make for a ton of farking spots.
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A suffix that people who want to associate themselves with MTV-fueled facades to make them feel like they are on this earth breathing for some haphazard reason use to create more stupid niches in the teen world.
Add almost any noun or adjective to the beginning of "Xcore", and you've got yourself some individuality. Or not.
That kid is so hardXcore. I heard he started a mosh in the supermarket. That's groceryXcore right there. Damn I am so creative, I just made up another Xcore. Gotta go make a myspace group for it now.
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Reference to a 1949 Three Stooges short called "Malice in the Palace", in which Moe calls a man with a beard a spinach chin.
Thus, calling someone a spinach chin is accusing them of having a beard, and perhaps a scruffy one at that.
Hey spinach chin, why don't you try on those asphalt shoes, look like they fit ya pretty freakin good!
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I bought a $600 paperweight today. Some people like to call it an iPhone.
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Heavy shoes which allow workers to walk on warm material without leaving tracks.
Also can be used as an insult or accusation of guile, saying one either has heavy steps or aren't very agile, or that they think they are clever.
I see you got them asphalt shoes. Now see if you can walk on water for me, ya jackass.
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