This is a broad that looked cute as a bug when she snared a man into marrying her. It didn't take long for her to become an abrasive hog....just one or two kids and a few too many cheeseburgers. Now she is fat as a cow and eats bon bons all day. She will eventually divorce him for his alimony and move in with a black or maybe a mexican man.
"Man, that Jimmy married a pie wagon, didn't he? I'm glad I don't have to plank that hog. How does he get his wiener in between those mountains of flab.?
569π 45π
A complete waste of skin, young, dumb, and full of come suburaban white kid nigger wannabe. They worship niggers and want to become one.
Look at that wigger over there grabbing at his ball sac and wearing his cap sideways. Let's go and bitch-slap him."
1193π 336π
What worthless darkies do to look "fly", or so they can pimp and deal drugs.
"Look at that yard ape in the Camry. He must be drivin' the bitch's car."
639π 243π
Birthers are criminally insane, low-IQ conservative religious fanatic, wide stanced, knuckle dragging morons who believe that Obama's parents knew he would be president when he was born and had a fake birth certificate made up indicating he was born in the U.S.
Glug...glug...yuk...yep, i reckon that filthy neeger was born in Kenya and his salt and pepper folks knew he was da anti-christ way ahead of time. Hey! Who are ya callin' birthers?
1873π 766π
These guys are homophobic and are also terrified of antique shops. They are extremely concerned about being perceived as gay and they try to cover it up by standing with their arms crossed looking into space. Sometimes they whistle. If there are other homoantiqophobes in the store, they stand and talk about useless sports scores. It is fun to try to talk about antiques with them. They usually have NRA or NFL jerseys and caps on.
"Get a load of the homoantiqophobes over there. Watch this: "Hey, handsome, check out these lovely teacups and saucers." "Hey, I'm not gay. Okay?" Man, these guys must LOVE victoria's secret.
509π 47π
Boogie woogies make this claim constantly when they are confronted about their future. They make plenty of money with their form of three r's (robbin', rapin', and riotin'.)
Tyrone addressing the school principal: "Hey moefoe! I don't like school. Don't need no booklearnin'."
495π 55π
These are scared little "professional" brats that hide behind $800,000 homes and their Audi's and Range Rovers. Notice how the home is only $800,000, anyone richer is usually a lot better person. It's the upper middle class ones that act like caramel shitting snobs. They treat restaurant and service people like shit. Eventually someone will kick their ass and they will be humbled.
"I punched that little yuppie in the range rover that pissed on my cornflakes this morning. Then I keyed his car."
1031π 558π