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French shower

This is what slobby meth whores and the like do before they go on a date. They may not have access to running water, or they are just plain lazy and they spray cheap perfume on their sweaty, gamey smelling bodies in lieu of a shower. Daughters and wives of pig farmers are well known for this behavior before they go on a date with pickup driving rednecks. Their pussieshave a horrendous odor reminiscent of rotting rough fish on the river bank.

I thought Donna was taking a shower first. I mean, after slopping those sows all day. The smell of cheap perfume could have gagged a maggot. When I smelled her gizmo my supper came up. She only took a french shower.

by running out of patience March 27, 2009

675πŸ‘ 167πŸ‘Ž

face pica

When a girl substitutes fellatio for coitus, it is sometimes called "getting some face pica."

I was disappointed when Cindy wouldn't bang me, until she gave me some expert face pica. Now I'm good to go.

by running out of patience January 31, 2009

562πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

garbage worms

These are mainly horrible white maggots that infest the garbage dumpsters and cans as soon as the temperature is 50 degrees in the spring. Sometimes weird black or grub worms will be mixed in. Big brothers love to traumatize their younger siblings by telling them stories of how they will eat them, before turning a wave of them toward their sibling with the garden hose. When the siblings get older, say adolescent age, they may burn and terrorize garbage worms with molotov cocktails and pipe bombs.

"Those little white worms will eat you if you let them." MOMMY! Timmy sicced a wave of garbage worms at me in the driveway!"

by running out of patience March 8, 2008

447πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


When I poop in a republican's smoothie, I call it a poopsie.

That arrogant republican really enjoyed that poopsie that I prepared him. He even made that gurgling sound at the end with his straw. Hilarious! I hope he gets worms in his shit.

by running out of patience May 20, 2010

321πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž

restaurant gene

The bred in gene of gooks in which they have to have a restaurant, even if it means going bankrupt or puts a strain on other business endeavors or relationships.

"That crazy bitch has the restaurant gene. I'm outta here.

by running out of patience January 24, 2007

373πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

meth whore

A really skanky cunt that pretends to be a normal chick that hits on you at a bar. She often looks normal and lies through her teeth about her personal life. In actuality she is a welfare witch and her kids sleep on pee stinking mattresses on the floor. The diaper bin is overflowing and the litter box smells like satan's scrotum. You decide to fuck it anyway, as it is 1:30 AM and men are pigs. The phone rings constantly after 1:30 AM as the bars are closing and losers are calling her for some squish. She will talk you into buying coke or meth then she will steal it. When you are thinking with your dick, you will try anything.

"I see Lori found another sucker. Look at him slobber all over her. He's going to be sorry he ever met that meth whore."

by running out of patience January 27, 2008

779πŸ‘ 158πŸ‘Ž

hammering clitties

Vicious anal factory women will do this when male co-workers make a major mistake at work.

"I can't believe it. We lose our biggest customer and all these women are hammering clitties."

by running out of patience March 12, 2008

467πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž