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wite wimmen

These are either hot blondes that are trying to get daddy jealous, or else big, fat, stringy-haired sugar mamas that prefer the licorice stick to vanilla sausage. They don't mind the low-IQ, giant pants, stupid rims, and nappy heads of the African men they crave. The giant tar hose more than makes up for it. Who cares about "intelligent conversation"? That's just what they tell the white man. All that really matters to them is size.

"Where are the wite wimmen at?"

by running out of patience April 29, 2008

635πŸ‘ 143πŸ‘Ž

jock sniffer

These are the guys that stand with their arms crossed in antique stores while their wives shop. They are wearing college football sweatshirts and caps to make a point that they are sacrificing their stupid game to do something for their old ladies. They are also concerned about looking queer, and don't want anyone to get the wrong impression. It's hilarious to talk to them while patronizing the store.

"Check out these cool old duck decoys and bottles, dude." Oh, wait. "Hey, man. I'm not like that, OKAY??" Oh, Oh a jock sniffer. Hmmmmm.

by running out of patience March 25, 2008

563πŸ‘ 234πŸ‘Ž


A place where you can flirt with underage trashy trailer-park girls, or have a young senorita beav you.

"Man, the hot buxom little mexican chick showed me her cooter at Walmart. The sap is flowin' continuously.

by running out of patience February 4, 2007

724πŸ‘ 184πŸ‘Ž

explore her fathoms

Really sticking the wiener in deeply with a young virgin, who hasn't had her depths explored before.

Man! I want to explore her fathoms!!

by running out of patience December 14, 2007

796πŸ‘ 272πŸ‘Ž

foot tapper

This is what closeted gay GOP officials who try to get balls deep with strange men in public airport restrooms are called. They also like tea-bagging, felching, and playing feed the elephant. They are hypocritical sick lying scumbags.

Senator Larry Craig is a foot tapper. Many other republican foot tappers have not been caught YET.

by running out of patience April 26, 2009

530πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

hershey highway

An expression for "taking the gay road."

"Why doesn't your son come with you to the games anymore?""Well, *sob* I'm afraid he has taken the hershey highway.

by running out of patience February 16, 2008

619πŸ‘ 300πŸ‘Ž


When latinos take a whiz sometimes they expose their snorkel-dicks. Usually they try to hide them. Hint: Don't ever laugh and point at it.

"I giggled at that beaner's snorkel-dick and he had his switchblade at my neck instantly."

by running out of patience February 21, 2008

493πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž