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bonbon syndrome

Once a young woman snares a man by getting pregnant and becomes addicted to watching soap operas and eating bonbons all day.

God that pig is getting fat. She must have the bonbon syndrome.

by running out of patience January 23, 2007

408πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

fecal harrassment

When the office crowd are out having their two hour lunch, a big fat slob from shipping and receiving will take a commode shattering crap in the woman's room. It is a big no-no to take a stinky shit where the restroom is carpeted. Therefore, it is hilarious when the Human Resources Manager gags every day when she walks in there.

"I can't believe Jerome. He is going to get in trouble for fecal harrassment some day."

by running out of patience March 7, 2008

441πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


People who are paranoid, delusional, uneducated, and covered with oozing chemical scabs and ulcers due to the acute abuse of methamphetamine. They eventually eat scabs from one another that contain the meth that their body can't dispose of, just to catch a cheap thrill. MMMMM....MMMMMMMMM!!!

I called the DEA the other day on those tweakers down the street.

by running out of patience December 14, 2007

944πŸ‘ 434πŸ‘Ž

whiskey pig

One stinking, fat, drunken, uneducated welfare witch. She drinks cheap whiskey all day and breathes booze breath on everyone she encounters. She has really bad breath, and smokes like a chimney. Her kids take care of themselves all day in their government subsidised housing, tearing up the place and throwing poop at each other, while she whores it up at the local watering hole. A lot of her kids are retarded from fetal alcohol syndrome. She has a rear end the size of New Hampshire.

"If I had a choice between being with that whiskey pig or death, I would chose death."

by running out of patience February 13, 2008

485πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

garbage worms

These are mainly horrible white maggots that infest the garbage dumpsters and cans as soon as the temperature is 50 degrees in the spring. Sometimes weird black or grub worms will be mixed in. Big brothers love to traumatize their younger siblings by telling them stories of how they will eat them, before turning a wave of them toward their sibling with the garden hose. When the siblings get older, say adolescent age, they may burn and terrorize garbage worms with molotov cocktails and pipe bombs.

"Those little white worms will eat you if you let them." MOMMY! Timmy sicced a wave of garbage worms at me in the driveway!"

by running out of patience March 8, 2008

447πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


When I poop in a republican's smoothie, I call it a poopsie.

That arrogant republican really enjoyed that poopsie that I prepared him. He even made that gurgling sound at the end with his straw. Hilarious! I hope he gets worms in his shit.

by running out of patience May 20, 2010

321πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž

restaurant gene

The bred in gene of gooks in which they have to have a restaurant, even if it means going bankrupt or puts a strain on other business endeavors or relationships.

"That crazy bitch has the restaurant gene. I'm outta here.

by running out of patience January 24, 2007

373πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž