Source Code

rectal eclipse

When one of the female co-workers freaks out over being "underpaid" for the umpteenth time. They are lucky to have any job at all after calling in sick so much.

"Look out for Sharon. She had a rectal eclipse in the production meeting."

by running out of patience December 13, 2007

395πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

street squish

Just a really skanky sperm dump. Looks for rich looking drunks for one night stands, just so they have shelter. Hint:They usually don't wear panties and smell like an organic solvent.

"Looks like James found some street squish again. One day his dick will turn green and fall off."

by running out of patience August 25, 2008

570πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

angry truck men

These are little, under-achieving men with low self esteem that tailgate people and make loud hot rod sounds with their 8000 lb. noisemakers. They are usually wife beating drunks and have crappy jobs. The size of the truck in many instances is inversely proportional to the size of his "junk." It makes people like me laugh my ass off when they can't get their way in traffic.

"Man. Those angry truck men are really following us closely. Bruce, grab the gun."

by running out of patience December 13, 2007

488πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

ain't gonna pay dat for the moefoe

What a frustrated crime monkey blurts out after he punches a standing rib roast at Cub Foods.

$14.99 a poun'? Thud..Thud..Smack...Slap.. ain't gonna pay dat for the moefoe.

by running out of patience January 19, 2008

514πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž


When a person makes a pouting face that resembles a fishes face. Also someone who is upset is "guppying".

"I can't believe that pookie. She has been such a guppy all week."

by running out of patience March 13, 2008

645πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž


A deputy or police officer who belongs to daughter swappin'clubs. Their morals are too high to bang their own, so they trade daughters with other homies on the force.

"Why do your hands always smell like shrimp when you come back from those "take your daughter to work days"? Are you a pedocop?"

by running out of patience January 23, 2007

468πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


A big, huge boner is sometimes referred to as a soothing.

"Look at you. You've got a soothing."

by running out of patience January 23, 2007

429πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž