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Joeyism (n)

1. A word or sentence of nonsensical whimsy bordering on flibertygibbetness put forward by or uttered by Joey.

2. A common example of the bastardisation of the English Language during a converstaion occuring after a few too many Chardonnays with the girls namely Colly, Sal, Gretel and Lou.

3. The act or ability of being able to go totally off topic with the insertion of a word or action that will result in the wetting of the pant or at least a mad rush to the ladies room.

4. An uncanny ability to perform the exact opposite of any task set and to justify the end result with nonsense.

5. The art of being able to have not only both feet in ones mouth at the same time, but arms, legs and any other extraneous limbs, belonging either to oneself or others.

1. Joeyism: "Sal wants a Green Velvet Curtain for her birthday, so I thought we could get her a really nice shawl thats rusty coloured on the back and green on the front and she can wear it out on her birthday and she can hang it on a curtain rod and she can tie a big tassle around it and she can then use it as a curtain! Or do you think she would like jewelry?"

2. Joeyism: "I was in Crows Nest telling a friend how I'd just been visiting someone "over there". As I pointed behind me, my finger went right up the nose of a woman walking past".

by rusty34232 June 8, 2010

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