Source Code

goings on

1. Things that are happening.

2. Things happening that can be either distracting or in such a broad scope that it is hard to comprehend them.

I can't seem to concentrate with all of these scientific goings on.

Note: The plural form is the only form, and thusly can be used in place of when singular forms would appear.

I can't seem to concentrate with all this scientific goings on.

by ryan y February 23, 2005

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

felch belch

v. The act of sucking semen out of someone's ass and then belching in satisfaction. See belch, felch

This can also be used as an insult.

*shloooooooook shlooooooooooook ....... BARRRRRRRRP*

Phil? Oh yeah.. that guy is such a felch belch.

by ryan y March 20, 2006

72πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

climbing hills

To have sex with a fat girl.

I know this guy named Phil who likes climbing hills.

by ryan y May 23, 2006

363πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Master Sword

In the video game series "The Legend of Zelda", the Master Sword is the sword you need to get in order to defeat Ganon, the porcinous King of Evil. The Master Sword may only be pulled from its pedestal by a righteous and courageous person. Link, an orphan boy who gets involved in the plot by happenstance/coincidence turns out to be this chosen person, and after proving himself to the gods, he is allowed the Master Sword and uses it to challenge Ganon.

The Master Sword is not only a sword though. In the storyline for "Ocarina of Time" it acted as a key, and its pedestal was the lock. Upon removing or inserting the sword from the pedestal, you could travel back and forward in time by about seven years. In the storyline for "A Link to the Past", the Master Sword shoots a magical energy beam out of the end when Link is full on life energy. In all storylines involving the Master Sword, major enemies (including Ganon) attempt to fire evil magic beams at Link intending to kill him. This is where the Master Sword comes in handy; it is immune to evil, and can be used to deflect the evil away from Link, most of the time back at its caster.

The Master Sword is commonly referred to as "The blade of evil's bane". Tragically, upon pulling the Master Sword from the pedestal, the ancient seal on Ganon's magic is broken, and he only becomes stronger. Such is the fate of Link, Ganon, and Princess Zelda.

"Its power is gone, and its edges are dull!"
- Ganon, taunting Link about the Master Sword

by ryan y February 17, 2006

277πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


A spinnoff of pwn derived from the english word "telephone", telepwn is used to mark the impending action of pwning.

telepwn call for you.

by ryan y February 23, 2005

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


One who practices discordianism.

Ask not what a discordian IS, but rather what ISNT a discordian.

by ryan y February 23, 2005

87πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

girl friend

Not to be confused with the compound word girlfriend, a "girl friend" (two words) is a girl who is your friend, but not a girlfriend.

Every guy should have a girl friend. A good girl friend is just like one of the guys, except a girl. Also, if you're going through shit with your girlfriend then it's nice to know you have a female on your side.

Girl friends don't have to be unattractive, either. But keep in mind that a girl friend shouldn't be confused with a romance interest you're trying to buddy-up first-- Girl friends remain strictly really good friends, even best friends.

My girlfriend dumped me because she thinks I lack the ability to be affectionate.

My girl friend Heather says that my (ex)girlfriend is just a stupid nympho and I'm perfectly date-able. Then we drank some beer and played Super Smash Bros.

by ryan y February 22, 2006

395πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž