1. Those girls who are like, "I'm fucking cool and if you don't think so I don't care." Well you obviously DO care if you have to tell everyone about it. And calling yourself cool is so not cool. Didn't you learn anything in middle school?
2. The dancing like in Ashlee Simpson's La La video when she's in the parking lot wearing that white tanktop. You know, the kind that looks like you're about to fall flat on your face. And the shoes. And the pants! Man, what is this in thing about not looking like you have any curves? And if a person were to ask "Is that person a guy or a girl?", some snooty person would go "Does it matter?"
Yeah buddy. It does matter.
3. Trying to look like you're poor and you shop at the thirft store. People actually spend a bunch of money to look this way. Is it another supposedly open-minded thing? Trying to say that it doesn't matter if you're poor? Cause y'all seem pretty snobby and judgmental for people who see what's inside everyone else!
4. The whole thing where people do stupid things and act stupid ways and then get mad at you if you say anything. "I'M COOL AND IF YOU DON'T THINK SO I DON'T CARE!" No, actually, you're lame. You get straight A's but then you put 7 cookies all on one side of the pan and waste a bunch of electricity baking them. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK! I'M COOL! DO YOU HEAR ME??"
5. This whole indie thing! It's not indie if you're trying! Do you not realize how mainstream you are being with the pants and the shoes and the hair? And its hilarious how people will join those rating communities and in their applications write "I don't care if you don't like me!" And if your music isn't indie music then they don't accept you. So the people try really hard ot get the most indie bands they can so the other people will think they listen to cool music. Yeah. Not indie. Sorry.
6. Back to the baking thing. Have you ever gone to a coffee shop and noticed how they throw a bunch of chocolate chips on the tops of the muffins and call them "chocolate chip muffins"? And you know people are going "We don't need factory-made, brand name food," all snooty-like. You know what? I'm not even gonna get into this one. I think I'm just gonna buy a bunch of those muffins and shove them down Indie Guy's throat one after another while screaming, "I don't care what you think!"
That girl with the hair like a rooster and the too-small jacket thinks she's a punk!
5👍 5👎