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A term of endearment used between close friends and siblings with an excellent sense of humor.

"Hey, ho!";
"Thanks for the pep talk Sam; you're a real ho!";
"Josh, I got yo' back; you ' my ho!"

by samsbestie November 23, 2011

1👍 17👎


Merging of the words karma and consequence; the result of a person’s actions in this and future states of existence, viewed often in the negative due to a persons continued asshole-ish behavior.

Employee 1: Dude, the boss got punched in the face and peed on himself in front of everybody!

Employee 2: Damn! Well if he wasn’t such a pathological bitch to his employees, he wouldn’t have had to deal with the karmsequences.

by samsbestie February 8, 2015