Proffer that a magnetic field has a surface area of infinity-tau.
In panformalism, a magnetic field is a line with both infinite (countable) length and a countable surface area.
It is also called "liminal" magnetism.
The concept of the individual as superior to the state or any group or class. Post-left anarcho-syndicalism. Precursor to anarcho-fascism.
Anarcho-individualism preaches the supremacy of the individual over the state
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A system of representation, usually formalistic.
Characterized by having a discrete side usually a discrete end.
The attributive (adjectival) use of "complex" is identical to its functional (nominal) use.
A complex usually has a discrete end but no discrete beginning. Quantum mechanics is an archetypal example of a complex system. Musical notations are an example of a complex system that has a discrete beginning but no discrete end.
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A json-conjecture hypothesizes that proving the number of platonic forms to be infinity^infinity in number proves that math is real.
An injecture is the surface-area of the Vikaasian limit.
The json-conjecture is an injecture.
Proving the number of platonic limits to be uncountable would prove math is real.
A state in which the object is a subset of the meta-object.
For instance consciousness as a subset of self-consciousness.
Interobjectivity stipulates that having (being) is unidirectional. That is to say: the meta-object is the object but the object is NOT the meta-object.
Interobjectivity resolves the impasse (intersubjectivity) between modernism and postmodernism.
It is metonymous with interactivity or memetics (skeumorphism).
Self-referentializes (collinearizes) being and having.
A German philosopher who reconciled panpsychism (being-in-the-world) to solipsism (being-towards-death) through concern (care for other consciousnesses).
Although Heidegger explicitly posited that time was the horizon of being he subtextually stated that being was the horizon of time.
Any combination of the final two numbers--infinity and uncountability--arranged concentrically to create one of 7 colors.
The elements in the combination are number-type, position (inside or outside), and orientation-of-spin.
The seven combinations are: infinity spinning around infinity clockwise, infinity spinning around infinity
counterclockwise, infinity spinning around uncountability clockwise, infinity spinning around uncountability counterclockwise, uncountability spinning around infinity clockwise, uncountability spinning around infinity counterclockwise, and
uncountability spinning around uncountability.
The seven states of meta-magnetism correspond to
the seven colors: purple, orange, grey, blue, green,
yellow, and red.
White (all of the colors) and black (an anti-color) combine to make a color--gray. This gray is the color of gravity or