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A fantastical representation of the worst sum of all fears.

A representative map used to separate the cognitive (material) from the self-cognitive (affectative) across the node of convergence.

A hell razor that anihilizes (dualizes) the hard problem of materialism.

A thoughtmare is a hypothetical worst-case scenario that helps a sentient entity separate its thoughts (phenomenonology) from its cognitive array (representation).

by sandrawine. November 2, 2018

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The future of democracy.

The result of the voluntary response sample.

Bias as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Ethnocracy is the result of voters seeking confirmation bias at the polls.

by sandrawine. November 9, 2018

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African-Asian specifically Middle-Eastern.

Broadly Semitic.

Afrasians are the Semitic peoples of Asia.

by sandrawine. July 7, 2018

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Context-in-language as a grid of vectors with one dimension as time and the other dimension as light.

The grid has four corners: high-time, low-light (high context); low-time low-light; high-time high-light; low-time high-light (low-context).

This corresponds to low time-preference cultures and high time preference cultures.

Interpolation is a lacework of vectors where one side is light and the other side is time.

Interpolation emerges from the intersection of the panformalist line with the transfinite point at the center of space.

The radial rotation of the panformalistic line causes light to scatter in a grid: orthogonally to the contingent-line.

by sandrawine. November 25, 2019


1950's modernist design re-interpreted for supermodernity. Porsche automotive design

Neomodernism is Porsche design

by sandrawine. August 3, 2017


Life in post-postmodern supermodernity. Post-ironic dystopian existence which lacks even a unifying materialistic mythos (pop culture) emblematic of the 90's; and existence is the only joke. Ironically humorless existence

Also Donald Trump is President. Yay for the glorious future!

In the 90's kids aspired to the Nickelodeon life; as a 2017 adult, I can only look forward to the lolife. Even the cartoons are bad

by sandrawine. June 20, 2017

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An aesthetic consolidation of postmodernism into highly-resolved aesthetic lines. Super-linearity; not so much a separate "-ism" as much as post-postmodernism. A celebration of the physical object alongside the processes that created it before the object becomes obsolete forever. Hipsterism. Brooklyn in 2017 : )

Supermodernity is characterized by form-function unity; an inflection point between the form-function duality of postmodernism and the design-attribute duality of hypermodernism.

A hipster in Brooklyn who eats craft jerky on a butcher board in the shadow of super-linear buildings of glass and steel is living an era of supermodernity; an era which celebrates an aesthetic consolidation of the postmodern past.

by sandrawine. December 3, 2017

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