Linear timeline in which the meanings of whole words are synthetic (additive) in the future; and convergent (conflationary) in the past.
In contrast the phonemes (phonetic parts) of words are synthetic (additive) in the past; and convergent in the future.
Metonymy is an instance of the contrapositive nature of material dualism.
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A paradigm of linearity that connotes a sequence of dualities.
Implies that some dualities in the sequence are more important (meta-iterative) than other dualities in the sequence.
Stipulates that a violation of the sequence in certain instances (dualities) leads to a value more false than false: meta-false (cyclical-falsity).
Process philosophy (sequence) implies that linearity is actually cyclical.
A philosophy of the immediate.
Process philosophy, following the Kantian model of sense-in-itself, postulates that metaphors sharpen over time.
Process Philosophy argues that feelings are a memory.
Thus immediate feeling can provide more clarity to a paradigm than an intentionalistic historical analysis.
Follows the trajectory of Plato's Cave.
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Postmodernism in synthetic (materially-designative) organic form.
Organic skeuomorphism.
Conscious materialism.
Supramodernism is the aesthetic motif for Apple products.
Evaluation of the completeness of the specificity of a statement.
Decidability examines falsifiability of a statement in the context in which it was spoken; Athenian truth-telling.
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The belief that the present emerges from the future.
The obverse of determinism.
Emergentism is the obverse of determinism.
It would reject historical materialism.
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Fascist who rejects fascism as a platform for political organization, national solidarity or ethnic chauvinism.
Someone who believes fascismΓ’ΒΒs critique of Western aesthetics is lost in its conversion to a linguistic framework (political theory) PARTICULARLY in terms of low-context Indo-European languages.
Refers to the 5% of the fascist movement that reduces fascism to a synthesis of Italian aesthetic idealism and Hindu sensualism.
A member of the meta-right.
A messianist.
A five-percenter would discourage political organization along fascist lines as he posits fascism to be an existential philosophy driven by aesthetic critique ie he views a linguistics as a poor framework for fascism. As evidence for this position, he presents fascism's self-destructive political engagements and social organizational theory.
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