A paradigm which states that an object with external symmetry must by definition have internal symmetry (self-symmetry).
Specifically that there is no self-symmetry without internal dualism (contiguous dualism).
Implies that the bijective (operationally tautological) function is co-imperatively contingent (cotingent).
Self-referentializes a cotingent link between contiguity and asymmetry.
Tarski demonstrated an instance of cohomorphism by showing that all contiguous (conformal) surfaces could create a second identical surface by using points from the original conformal surface.
Co-homorphism states that metastructure is symmetric; symmetry is internal; internalism (space) is contiguity; contiguity is conformal; conformalism is bijective; bijectivity is co-imperatively contingent (cotingent); and cotingence is asymmetric.
A linear structure-of-truth (timestamp) in contrast to a cyclical structure-of-truth.
Instances include historical materialism, negative formalism, and post-structuralism.
Linearism creates a linear structure-of-truth from cyclical elements; leaving to Hinduism the conundrum of creating a cyclical structure-of-truth from linear elements.
A synthetisation (referentialization) of object-oriented programming.
Synthetizes programming objects into five references: cyclical, inter-, contra-, supra- (radial), meta- (self).
Attribute-oriented programming.
Reference-oriented programming self-referentializes programming objects into programming references.
A tautology that unites self-reference to self-representation.
Juxtaposition as it becomes self-reference.
Irony unites juxtaposition (additivity) and superposition (congruence).
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Someone who contends that a general statement is a statement of bias.
Has an IQ at or around 120.
A midwit believes that general statements are statements of bias and will only accept specialized statements as pre-qualified.
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A number system that has nine dimensions.
In contrast to a hypercomplex number system which ends at eight dimensions.
A metacomplex system of representation is the final formalistic solution.
An inversion involving conflation.
Usually involves inverting the position of the structural (future-to-past) truth and the formalistic (past-to-future) truth; and then conflating the formalistic truth with the structural truth.
Ie. the formalistic truth becomes the structural truth.
The semantic.
A faux-inverse juxtaposes both inversion and conflation.