Political system in which empirical (measurable), heuristic, and even metaphysical attributes are subject to a market
In ancashistan, your privacy can be sold by you--unless you sold your agentic rights to sell your own privacy a priori to someone else for a compounding multiplier
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An iterative set of three self-references: duality, congruence, and the inverse/obverse relationship that delineates the orientation of conscious with respect to the metaphysical.
The Vikaas triad is also called the tri-functional hypothesis.
The Vikaasian triad implies that the two elements (nihilism and illusion) of the duality underpinning consciousness become congruent in metaphysical space; and that consciousness creates physical reality rather than the converse.
Oedipal Marxism is a paradigm in which the profit motive is the discrete unit-of-fear of mother has that her son will own property.
A tribe is a psychostructure of woman's fear that her son will lose interest in the law and pursue property.
Hence Oedipal Marxism.
Marxism discretizes this fear into a unit-of-fear. The superstructure of capitalism is the sum of the mother's fears.
Communism resolves this apprehension between mother & son into a climax of communion or Communism.
Deleuzian hypothesis that society is a conflict between the aesthetically-ugly and the capitally-successful.
Bio-Leninism is a transverse-Marxist (Deleuzian) connector of Foucalt (biopolitics) and Marx.
BioLeninism proffers that rather than a conflict between rich and poor; politics is a conflict between the rich and ugly.
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Libertarianism which is characterized by hyperreal cyberpunk aesthetics emergent from metamodernism.
French New Wave libertarianism.
A meta-culture of Afro-futurism.
The meta-center is the dualistic counterpart to the meta-right.
Someone who supports democracy: until it is overtaken by right-wing syndicalism.
A neoliberal.
A democratists beccomes a kleptocrat (duocratist) when Rousseau's collective will doesn't go their way.
The hypothesis that the self-organizing universe was created by sentience in contrast to sentience being created by the universe.
The hypothesis that the conscious universe defers to sentience itself in contrast to sentience deferring to the universe.
The subliminal conclusion of panpsychism (universal consciousness).
Panarchy argues that the conscious universe itself worships sentience.