A paradigm of linearity that connotes a sequence of dualities.
Implies that some dualities in the sequence are more important (meta-iterative) than other dualities in the sequence.
Stipulates that a violation of the sequence in certain instances (dualities) leads to a value more false than false: meta-false (cyclical-falsity).
Process philosophy (sequence) implies that linearity is actually cyclical.
A philosophy of the immediate.
Process philosophy, following the Kantian model of sense-in-itself, postulates that metaphors sharpen over time.
Process Philosophy argues that feelings are a memory.
Thus immediate feeling can provide more clarity to a paradigm than an intentionalistic historical analysis.
Follows the trajectory of Plato's Cave.
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Postmodernism in synthetic (materially-designative) organic form.
Organic skeuomorphism.
Conscious materialism.
Supramodernism is the aesthetic motif for Apple products.
The belief that the present emerges from the future.
The obverse of determinism.
Emergentism is the obverse of determinism.
It would reject historical materialism.
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Evaluation of the completeness of the specificity of a statement.
Decidability examines falsifiability of a statement in the context in which it was spoken; Athenian truth-telling.
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Law enforcement AI. Robo-cop. Automated authority.
The coptroller is directing traffic using meta-data patterns.
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A metastate in which every surface including discrete surfaces that is contiguous (continuous) is also mathematically closed (conformal).
Stipulates a bijective (co-imperative contingent (cotingent)) relationship between contiguity and conformalism.
Ie. Bijectivity stipulates conformalism as well as the converse.
Contiguity theory propounds a conversal (bidirectional in position (space)) stipulatory relationship between bijectivity and conformalism.
That is to say: bijectivity stipulates conformalism and conformalism stipulates bijectivity.