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A paradigm in which the whole is the sum of its constituent parts.

A paradigm that assumes parts.


Antonym to 'mysticism'.

Nietzsche's paradigm of nihilism assumes mechanisticism.

by sandraxine September 10, 2018


System of government in which the executive and the judicial branches are congruent.

Headed by an adjudicator-executor, a philosopher-king, or a homoiconic AI.

Metarchy reconciles the anti-pattern attribute of every previous political system: it unites the solver with the verifier.

by sandraxine June 19, 2018

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space-body problem

A specification of the mind-body problem in which the "body" or more specifically object external to the human body represents the physically far emerging from the past and "space" represents the physically near emerging from the future.

The divergent contiguity of an object external to the human body.

The divergence of an object no matter how close to the whole of a human body being "far" or in the past if there is space or "future" separating the object and the human body ("now"). Inversely, any constituent part of the human body is "now" or in the present because it is contiguous with the "whole" of the body even if a constituent part of the body is farther away from the center of the body than the separated object.

Implies that the farther external contiguity is away from internal contiguity (the human body) the more likely it is to be a holograph or expression (holomorph) in contrast to an isograph or appearance (isomorph).

"Touch" establishes contiguity between the object and the body and unites the two objects in the illusion of now.

Space-body divergence resolves mind-body duality with mind-body contiguity in contrast to mind-body congruity.

The space-body problem says that the human body is "now," the space separating the object and the body is "future," and the separated object is "past." This implies that the mind and body are isomorphic (have the same source point).

More meta-specifically space-body contiguity implies that consciousness or the "mind" emerges from space metamorphically to gravity's colinearity to time.

Thus space-body contiguity is actually mind-space colinearity or mind-space metamorphicity.

by sandraxine October 13, 2018

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An emergent structure of nihilism which follows Schopenhauer's power-to-desire momentum in contrast to Nietzsche's will-to-power momentum.

Appears as self-reference or aesthetic in contrast to mere appearance.

In cultural terms: Futurekampf.

Meta-nihilism is aesthetic.

by sandraxine July 13, 2018


Totalitarianism in which democracy is no longer replaced by autocracy but rather by hyperreality or meta-real consciousness.

Totalitarian democracy.


Anarcho-tyranny describes a world in which autocracy is rendered redundant as an alternative to collective democracy because free will has been technocratically revealed to be an illusion of linear time.

by sandraxine August 16, 2018

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A meta-state that has a discrete beginning in linear time but no end in cyclical time.

Aesthetic can be deconstructed in this way: light has a discrete beginning (a past beginning) but colors (parts of light) come from the future.

by sandraxine August 31, 2018

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A currency whose valuation references the magnitude of transactions occurring simultaneously at any one instant. This magnitude is treated as a function of the distance between the producer and consumer.

Concurrency would make linear time a function of space.

by sandraxine August 10, 2018