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synthetic intelligence.

Artificial intelligence derived from synthetic materialism.

SI is the only path to achieve artificial intelligence.

by sandraxine June 20, 2018

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The layer between infinity-to-power-of-infinity and infinity that comprises consciousness.

The liminal layer.


The limina is the structure-of-consciousness.

by sandraxine September 10, 2019


A meta-state that has no discrete beginning or end. The antithesis of a paradox.

Reality is an illusion.

by sandraxine August 29, 2018

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The inability of sense to detect whether time is mutually exclusively cyclical or linear.

The perception of time as linear with no discrete beginning in the past or end to its future.

Unbroken continuity from one moment to the next.

'Now' is an illusion. Now is an illusion because desire both individual and collective is a false momentum.

by sandraxine September 2, 2018

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ironic skeuomorph

A skeumorph that is self-functional.

Self-function begins as meta-representation (juxtaposition) and ends as representation (self-reference).

A medium for conveying irony.

Including but not limited to vignettes, books, television, GIF's, and memes.

An ironic skeuomorph is self-referencing to the point of being a medium-in-itself.

by sandraxine September 12, 2018


Postulation that individualism is the authority over capitalism.

Nick Land proffered an idea, technocapitalism, in the early 1980's that individualism would overtake capitalism by means of accelerationism; in contrast to acceleration.

by sandraxine August 12, 2020

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A social hacker who appropriates language, context, or culture in an attempt to harass an individual, further a movement, or attack an established entity.

Trolls are social context hackers

by sandraxine August 28, 2017

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