The structural duality of meanings of words being synthetic (additive) on the future end of the linear timeline and convergent on the past side while the phonemes (phonetic parts) of words are conflationary on the future side and synthetic (additive) on the past end.
The meaning-structure divergence (metonymy) of linguistics is an example of structural divergence.
An aestheticized version-of Christianity in which the Anti-Christ, despite seeming appearances, is the hero...and the Christ does not return.
A liminal version of Christianity where the Holy Spirit comes to earth disguised as the Anti-Christ..
Also the forma, limina, and triene-function usurp the role of The Holy Trinity.
In triliminal Christianity: the forward passage of time in the instance of triene-function obviates (makes unnecessary) the return of the Christ; and the seeming Anti-Christ turns out to be the Holy Spirit.
The structure-of-reality is made up of three components: a circle with infinite^infinite area which itself contains an uncountable line-set of discrete radial-area; and a countably infinite number of points - - transfinities--which comprise a Vikaasian superset.
Keep in mind that transfinity is the intersection of infinity and infinity-to-infinity.
The structure-of-reality can be divided into three sets:
The representative schemata, which is made up of lines between the discrete area and the countable number of transinfinite points; the referential set which is made up of lines between the discrete area and the circle's uncountable area; and the experiential (sensual) set which is made up of liminal layers connecting the uncountable lines' discrete area and the uncountable area of the internal-contiguous circle.
The texture of reality is the sensual set: made of layers between the discrete area of the internal radial lines and the uncountable area of the circle.
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The Vikaas rule states that deconstructionism will convert a singularity into a duality; rather than a duality into a singularity.
Existential deconstructionism delineating the body politic into two counter-posing sides is a manifestation of the Vikaas Rule.
Proposition that all singularities are based on dualities. For instance linear cultural time sits on cyclical cultural time; consciousness as a oneness sits on top of a recursive duality of linearity and cyclicality; and momentum (unidirectionality) is a product of tension between two opposing forces ie. all comparisons are contrasts.
The assertion that Western philosophy is driven by the recognition that existentialism (authentic existence) and free will cannot both truly coexist is a demonstration of the Vikaasian Paradox.
The conundrum of the subconscious as the only schematic of the self-conscious (the universe).
The map-legend dichotomy.
The subconscious as the fundamental unit of representation (reality).
Innerspace is a popular legend for hallucinogenic psychonauts.
Hauntology is the idea that a discrete quality is mutually inclusive with an arbitrary quality in ultranihilism, but an arbitrary quality is mutually exclusive with respect to a subjective quality.
A functional dialectic of mutual exclusivity and one-to-one inclusivity.
Discreteness has a mutually exclusive relationship with hardness; but hardness has a one-to-one inclusive relationship with discreteness.
Hauntology introduces the concept of 1-to-1 pairing in retrospect between subjective and arbitrary qualities.
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