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hyperreal cyberpunk

Cyberpunk aesthetic that is characterized by overexposure and contrapositive linearity (lines formed by self-referencing colors).

In contrast to postmodern cyberpunk in which lines are formed by deconstructed objects juxtaposed with each other and with a futurist ambience.

Chillwave a musical subgenre from 2001 is the first instance of hyperreal cyberpunk. It evolved to hypnagogic pop (dream pop) and finally vaporwave music and aesthetic.

by sandraxine August 26, 2018


A relationship of function which deconstructs into a duality of momentum.

An instance of the Vikaas Paradox.

Duocracy implies that a singularity of a function is in actuality a duality of two contrapositional momentums.

by sandraxine July 20, 2018

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A byzantine display of hallways, stairs, rooms, and walls within 1950's noir films. On the first degree, a visual metaphor for the existential horror of modernism. Modernism as a labyrinth or maze representing the futility of man's self-created choices; a system in which all choices are ultimately identical; a false freedom; fatalism. The concept that human-created systems--modernism (industrialization)--cannot civilize man; and offer him unsustainable (inauthentic) progress. The concept that man cannot save himself. On the second degree, a metaphor for the idea that modernism is more indicative of man than man is of modernism; that man's authentic essence is that of a heart of darkness. Presaged the onset of postmodernism.

Interiorization is a deep visual metaphor that indicates man cannot willfully create unique existential choices, material progress is a false dichotomy from man's 'true' essence, modernism deludes human beings into the perception of false progress; the essence of man is a heart of darkness (Joseph P. Conrad); and modernism is more an indictment of man than man is a representative of the progress of modernism.

by sandraxine June 11, 2017


Aesthetic in which industrial characteristics define electronic interfaces

Sega's arcade games contain generous motifs of electro-industrialism

by sandraxine May 31, 2017

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The tension between will and power.

The tension between language and aesthetic.

The tension between past and future.

The tension between linear time and cyclical time.

Futurekampf has a contrapositive orientation with respect to kulturkampf.

Futurekampf is the contrapositive struggle of history to convert linguistic sense to aesthetic desire.

by sandraxine June 24, 2018

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A theory of gravity in which gravity is time or emergent from metastasis (loop time).

The theory that gravity is colinear with time.

In contrast to Einsteinian gravity which makes gravity a function of space.

'Meta-gravity' can also be shortened to 'm-gravity' as a direct competitor to m-theory.

Meta-gravity has a metonymic relationship with relativity. The two words sound the same but share an obverse-inverse relationship.

by sandraxine October 11, 2018

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Structuralism is a philosophical dogma in which formalism has universal or meta-statical attributes.

Ie. The assumption that objects that are expressed formally can be extrapolated to meta-structures or meta-truths.

Structuralism is an attribute of German philosophers.

Structuralism should not be conflated with linearism which is intersubjective with negative formalism.

by sandraxine September 14, 2018

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