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A political ideology in which the monarch is counterposed against state bureaucracy, a representative for the people against the state. A dark messiah.

Originates from Max Stirner's individualistic interpretation of Wilhelm Hegel's synthesis; and propounded by Friedrich Nietszche's construction of the 'Ubermensch' or Superman.

Closely related to totalitarian democracy or inverted totalitarianism.

Individualist anarchism.

Bane in Dark Knight rises is an example of anarcho-monarchism; a totalitarian leader who claims to 'give Gotham back to its people.'

by sandraxine December 2, 2017

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A system of representation, usually formalistic.

Characterized by having a discrete side usually a discrete end.

The attributive (adjectival) use of "complex" is identical to its functional (nominal) use.

A complex usually has a discrete end but no discrete beginning. Quantum mechanics is an archetypal example of a complex system. Musical notations are an example of a complex system that has a discrete beginning but no discrete end.

by sandraxine August 31, 2018

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A json-conjecture hypothesizes that proving the number of platonic forms to be infinity^infinity in number proves that math is real.

An injecture is the surface-area of the Vikaasian limit.

The json-conjecture is an injecture.

Proving the number of platonic limits to be uncountable would prove math is real.

by sandraxine September 7, 2020


A state in which the object is a subset of the meta-object.

For instance consciousness as a subset of self-consciousness.

Interobjectivity stipulates that having (being) is unidirectional. That is to say: the meta-object is the object but the object is NOT the meta-object.

Interobjectivity resolves the impasse (intersubjectivity) between modernism and postmodernism.

It is metonymous with interactivity or memetics (skeumorphism).

Self-referentializes (collinearizes) being and having.

by sandraxine November 16, 2018


A tenet of Nick Land's speculative realism in which formalism and representation become continuous with respect to each other, obviating the object between them.

Constructivistic surrealism.

The collapse of the signifier/sign/signed triangle in semiotic theory into a duality of signifier and signed.

Preliminarily schematized in computer science by replacing object-oriented programming with attribute-oriented programming (synthetic programming); and ultimately reference-oriented programming.

Theory-fiction eliminates the object itself by collapsing the triangle of semiotic representationalism into a duality.

by sandraxine August 2, 2018

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synthetic materialism

A framework of material reality as a manifestation of the irreversible nature of linear time

Posits linear time, material reality, and history as illusions or antitheses of Nietzsche's nihilism.

The synthesis of Karl Marx's dialectical materialism

Synthetic materialism argues that there is no history and by extension that there is no material reality.

Rather than material reality creating the illusion of a past, synthetic materialism argues that the past creates the illusion of material reality

by sandraxine December 15, 2017

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Curt Doolittle

Leader of anarcho-libertarianism specifically propertarianism (a libertarian school of thought). Delineated propertarianism as a distinction of decidability between conflationary (high-context) and deflationary (low-context) modes of communication.

Curt Doolittle does a little; but he does a lot for the alt-right.

by sandraxine July 27, 2017

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