Source Code

Off the Rail

When a client at a strip club cheaps out and doesn't sit at the rail, but back far enough that he can see everything without having to tip, thus spawning the term: off the rail

Stripper to another: I wish they would ban that perv, all he does is pay the door charge, nurse one drink for like 2 hours and sit off the rail so he doesn't have to tip. What a loser.

by sarasplayroom.com November 10, 2009

54πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Erection Span

When the attention span of a male lasts as long as his erection does, but usually related to the attention being focused on something nasty which normally wouldn't attract a male's attention under flaccid circumstances such as very nasty porn or fugly chicks or hookers.

One Dude to Another: I cannot believed I jacked off to that skank porn last nite. I also joined the skank porn site and spent like $39.95!

Another: Until you lose your erection span, stuff like that happens. Hopefully you've contained the damage to dick chafe and a slight hit to your credit card. One nite when I was on a business trip, my dick was hard and I ordered 2 hookers to a hotel room and it cost me $500. I should have just jerked off.

by sarasplayroom.com October 17, 2010

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


What one girl says to another if her tampon string is showing, especially if she is in a bikini on the beach, or is a stripper in a skimpy outfit. Refers to the tampon string sticking out like a parachuter's ripcord. This alerts the girl of her embarrassing predicament without saying something truly embarrassing such as 'Tampon String Alert'! It is also the girlie warning equivalent of a guy saying 'XYZ' to a guy, meaning Examine Your Zipper (cuz it's down).

Girl to another girl on the beach: Um Geronimo!

Another girl: OMG no! (Throws a towel over her bikini bottom and makes a quick adjustment to hide the string)

by sarasplayroom.com July 13, 2009

118πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž

Pinkie Salute

When girls hold up their pinkie fingers, to wag at a guy who has a small penis, doing so in humiliation.

That girl just gave the guy driving the Red Ferrari the pinkie salute! He must have a small dick.

by sarasplayroom.com March 7, 2009

74πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Cock Fatigue

When a girl gets tired of fucking the same cock, even though that cock might be awesome by size, girth, cumshot.

Girl #1: I cheated on Danny.

Girl #2: Why? I thought you said he had an incredible cock...

Girl #1: It's been 3 months, I'm tired of his cock, so I did a one-niter with this guy I met on Twitter.

Girl #2: Sounds like you have cock fatigue.

Girl #1: Yeah you could call it that. I'm just afraid to tell Danny, don't want to deflate his ego. There's nothing wrong with his cock. I just need fresh new cock!

by sarasplayroom.com May 6, 2010

37πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Penis piercings

Girl #1: I could not do Brian, that guy had a Prince Albert piercing that was like major in caliber. No way was that going in my pussy. I tried to give him a beej, but I ended up giving him more of a handjob.

Girl #2: I do not understand why guys go for extreme Cock-u-Puncture

Girl #1: It has to fricking hurt!

Girl #2: Some guys are freaks.

by sarasplayroom.com January 19, 2011


Cock Tattoo. Tattoo on a cock.

I can't believe he got a Cock-atoo. Painful!!!

by sarasplayroom.com May 17, 2009

63πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž