Source Code

Poorboy Roll

When a poorboy pads his wallet with $1 bills and $5 bills, then puts larger bills on either end of the cash wad to impress friends or girls or strippers, fool them and make them think he's got lots of big bills. This is called a Poorboy Roll.

One stripper to another: Did you see how thick his wallet was?

Other stripper: No, it's a poorboy roll, once the 20's are gone, you'll see he just has 1's and 5's.

by sarasplayroom.com July 4, 2009

57πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Shops for Tops

A faggy bottom boy who looks for dominant tops in bars, clubs or online.

Chad always shops for tops. He doesn't want to end up with another faggy bottom boy.

by sarasplayroom.com March 1, 2009

61πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The futile attempts of beta females to superficially replicate the look of alpha females via fake bolt-on breasts, fake spray-on tans, hair extensions and so on.

Envy of much prettier and more successful women leads to desparate Barbieism in trailer trash wannabes.

by sarasplayroom.com February 21, 2009

93πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Pin Arms

Thin arms on a man, usually on a wimp, showing that the wimp never works out, has never done a push-up or pull-up or lifted weights, has no bicep or tricep muscle definition. May be adept at playing video games, but does no physical exercise.

Check out the Pin Arms on that wimp on the beach, what is he even doing here, he's going to get laughed off the beach by those hot chicks over there....

by sarasplayroom.com July 12, 2009

66πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Fag Sitter

Girl who will accompany a wanna-be fag on his forays into bars or clubs to find a gay man to play with.

Jessica is such a fag sitter. I don't know why she agrees to go out with Chad while he shops for tops at gay bars.

by sarasplayroom.com March 1, 2009

70πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Before the Cash. Someone's lack of cash status, usually a man, and usually someone who has potential, but is at poverty or just above poverty level then hits it big: wins the lottery, gets a record deal, major league sports deal, sells his dotcom or biz, inherits money, and then is rolling in the cash.

Golddiggers try to spot the B.C. guys so that when the B.C. guys hit the cash, the golddiggers will be right there, ready to pounce.

by sarasplayroom.com April 13, 2009

105πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


The battle cry of the Cougar who chooses a hairstyle featuring bangs to lessen the need for Botox to treat forehead and eye area wrinkles.

My Mom just got her hair cut and went with bangs! It makes her look so much younger naturally. She said her hairdresser told her: Bangs not Botox!

by sarasplayroom.com November 22, 2009

27πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž