A wholesome, nutritious stew best served all the time. It is comprised of menstrual juices of Norweigan virgins, along with grade A+ Siberian Thunder Tit. By bringing the juices to a boil, simply chop the thunder tits up to 1/8 inch thick pieces and let simmer for 18 hours. When thunder tit slices prune up and the nipple secret a yellowish white liquid do not be alarmed this is just rancid tit milk, the tits are now done. Next, preheat oven to 10 degrees celsius.... Now take the tits out of the menstrual juices and place in baking pan with two cans of cream of cunt and add breadcrumbs, bake in oven for 2 min. and 16.3 seconds, remove and serve... goes good with a twat and tonic.
HEY MOM! Where is the left over tit stew?
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