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Arya-Man is siddhi's best friend but he never contacts her, is never able to actually call her, is always busy, a grammer nazi, siddhi's dictionary and someone who can not commit the *crime* to writing a single spelling long.

I don't know what his problem is but I swear to god, she's never explicitly been able to click a nice picture with her and I promise I will physically kill each of the best friends if they don't show up to whatever it is they can because who the fuck says no to a free party!

But also she loved watching standup for Arya-freakingswitchyourcameraonzoomforasinglemeetingonly-Man

Arya-Man is a dictionary of his own with the biggest discombobulated encyclopedia of his own but as helped me structure my English essays alot!!!

by saudakharakhara May 11, 2022