All these idiots and what they say about niggers, your stereotypes are ridiculous!! These "niggers" as you call them are neither inferior to white people nor are they superior. you are a human being first before anything else. A nigger was coined by white people against black people that they travelled all they way to africa for to do their work because they were too damn lazy to do it themselves, but then again, the black people did it better. Do not use your derogatory terms against black people and comparing them to monkeys. Do not stereotype black people. You cannot use one person or a certain set of people to judge everybody else, AND black people are not the reason for crime today, what about your serial killers? and child molesters? pedophiles... (lets get to stereotyping) usually white people... lets face it... society creates the crimes... people just commit them. with that said, before you go judging people like you are better than them... how about taking a looking in the mirror You Dumb Bigots.
I am black... do i scratch my ass and grunt like a monkey? I dont think so... I am very well educated... and only other educated people would understand... because those who know better do better... half of you idiots could make it to college if your lives depended on it... and you just make other decent white people look bad... despicable... and a downright disgrace to the human race... Calling people Niggers... do not DENIGRATE US
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