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masterful bation

Masterful bation is masturbation which displays creativity and expertise.

When Cyril shot his wad through a flaming hoop ten feet away, Claudia was totally impressed with his masterful bation.

They were wed soon after.

by scodder May 9, 2010

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A queerleader is a male cheerleader who stirs up the male fans' enthusiasm with stroking, sucking and ass drilling.

When Rick saw the queerleaders heading for his section of the stands, he ran.

Behind him he heard moaning, slurping, and cheers.

by scodder April 30, 2010

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Cuntus is the technical and medical term for "poontang".

Sometimes referred to as "cuntus deliciosus".

"May I insert my reproductive appendage into your cuntus?" asked Barlow after some heavy petting.

"Why, indubitably," responded Suzie, spreading her delicious hams.

by scodder June 17, 2010

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Mayor McChode

Mayor McChode is a burgerland character who makes burgers heavily slathered with grundle cheese.

Mayor McChode was so stinky that none of the other burgerland characters except The Turdburglar would go near him.

by scodder April 28, 2010

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submarining with the cosby kids

Submarining with the cosby kids means diving down as deep as you can, dropping some logs, and then racing them back to the surface.

Not so cool in a public pool.

Serena was totally impressed with how deep Larry could dive, until the dooks started surfacing, and she saw that he'd been submarining with the cosby kids.

She didn't leave a note.

by scodder June 19, 2010

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rabbit boner

A rabbit boner is a tiny, wretched boner.

When Fred asked Melinda to "suck my mighty dong" he pointed to his rabbit boner.

She laughed loudly and left.

by scodder May 10, 2010

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horse jack

Horse jack means delivering manual lovin' to a horse's dong.

Messy but fun.

As Morton began to horse jack Dobbin, there was a noticeable bulge in his pants.

Dobbin's eyes glazed over as the bucket began to fill.

by scodder May 3, 2010

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