A girl has a hideous face but a very fuckable body. So when it comes time to banging the shit out of her you put a bag over her head, and you put a bag over your head also just incase hers falls off.
Bob: Holy balls check out that chicks face!
Chuck: Barf!!!
Bob: But shes got a smokin' bod
Chuck: Yeah, a prime candidate for a texas double bagger
37👍 8👎
Scout is a really girl. she's always the mom friend of the group and supports everybody deeply. they are very much lesbians who will get clingy easily. when they don't get love and affection back they will cry in a deep depression for an hour. but anyways they are total crackheads who need help, but they're still your best friend
scout needs serious help but I still love her
Girl Carson is definitely a baddie. Sheâs probably in cheer to be honest. She likes to rant to her friends a lot about boys and stuff. Also sheâs most likely apart of the lgbtq+ community as either a bisexual or a pansexual but she mostly dates boys. If she ever breaks up with you, thatâs a break up youâll definitely be traumatized. Sheâs really nice and cool when you get on her good side but if your on her bad side then kiss all your friends goodbye cause sheâll do anything in her power to make your life terrible. So yeah she also likes cuddles and being loved.
Wow Girl Carson is scary but sheâs really sweet.