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Sans 34

Sans 34 or Rule Sans is a bizarre internet phenomenon Where every item, character (Fiction and non-fiction) or existing shows or movies, has it's own Sans version (Example: Game of thrones Sans, Pringles Sans, Star Wars Sans)
or something that will collaborate/connect with Sans Itself. (Example: Sans vs Jackie Chan, Sans Vs Transformers Vs Power rangers, Earthbound)

"If It exists, there's a Sans of it." -seal man

Zoe: Joe, You haven't respond to my texts yesterday, Is there something wrong?
Joe: Sorry! I was too busy googling stuff that doesn't have a connection to sans! Even Jackie Chan isn't safe from Sans 34!
Zoe: Sans what?
Joe: Sans 34 - If it exists, There's a Sans of it.

by seal man April 15, 2020

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